Wednesday 1 July 2015

The plan so far

The plan as it is today: 4 months of adventure 

2nd of July we are flying from London to NYC to stay a few days with the fabulous Ryan.  We will get our bearings, buy a car, and suss out some wedding shops, then stay with the amazing Tiff & Stu in New Orleans for a bit before heading further south.

  • We need a car because we are driving south, south to Central America.  
  • We need wedding shops sussed out as we will have a few days on our way back through NYC to London, end of October where we will be buying our wedding outfits as we are getting married in the Philippines beginning of November! 
We have found a surf school that looks good, and it is near the bottom of Mexico.  It doesnt seem like Mexico is really where we want to spend a lot of our time, so we are looking to get through it as quickly as possible, with out driving at night, as that is the one golden rule that everyone seems to say for this part of the world.

the route it seems we will take...
NYC -> Charlotte -> New Orleans -> McAllen -> Mexico (TBD) -> Puerto Escondido, Mexico -> Guatemala and then explore!

Where we will stay between McAllen (boarder town in Texas) and the surf school in Puerto Escondido, Mexico is yet to be determined.  If you have tips, please let us know!

Watch this space..... 

1 comment:

  1. You two are going to have a blast, so jealous!

    Sitting in the SF trying to summon up the enthusiasm for another week at work, not working so far. Ogling the map above not helping any either.

    So, how's it going so far, arrived safely I trust, car purchased? Keep safe.

    Can't wait to hear what you've been up to so far...
